Equitable Distribution & Valuation
If you are getting divorced you and your spouse will need to divide your “Marital Property” namely, the assets accumulated during your marriage. Under New York’s Domestic Relations Law, Marital Property gets divided “equitably” between parties, and not necessarily equally (hence the title, “Equitable” Distribution). Certain classes of property, such as assets had prior to the marriage and, gifts or inheritances received from a third party during the marriage (to the extent not commingled with Marital Property), are and remain the “Separate Property” of that party. Except for the appreciation in value of an “active” asset (think: a business or investment portfolio had prior to the marriage that is actively managed by you or your spouse during the marriage) or, property that was commingled with or transmuted into Marital Property (for example, by being placed in a form of jointly titled ownership with your spouse), Separate Property is not shared as part of your divorce.
High asset divorces and/or divorces with large or complex marital estates including family businesses, LLC interests, and professional practices, are likely to involve “forensic” valuations of those interests/assets. Real estate, and artwork or jewelry collections of significance, may also need to be appraised as well.
At the Isaacs Firm, we routinely work with forensic and other experts to secure the most accurate appraisal of your assets and, to ensure that you receive or retain at least your fair share of them. We have experience handling the intricate financial aspects of your divorce including, the valuation and distribution of:
Professional licenses and degrees
Professional practices
Closely held private companies and family businesses
Stock options, restricted stock units, and deferred compensation plans
Deferred tax-planning strategies
Real estate
Settlements, Trials & Appeals
Whether you have a large or complex marital estate, a more modest estate or, yours is a simpler uncontested divorce, The Isaacs Firm PLLC has years of experience negotiating and reaching settlements that will be beneficial to you and, in litigating the issues at trial where settlement is not possible.
We have also successfully prosecuted and defended appeals in New York’s First and Second Judicial Departments covering New York County, Kings County, Westchester County, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and the Bronx, where one of our clients feels aggrieved by a decision of the court.
Contact us to see if The Isaacs Firm is a good fit for you.